Plan for an atmospherical engine steam cylinder with air pump, condenser and winding machinery

The rolling-beam of Plan no.1 with a design for providing it with motion

Ground plan and elevation of a building for the machinery used for making block and pullies at Dunsterville Manufactory

Elevations, section and plan of a moveable steam engine

Design for rebuilding of Albion Mills fire proof, transverse section

Sketch of a pair of small shears for cutting the edges of copper sheets used for the sheating of ships

Drawing of part of swing circular saw

Design for rebuilding of Albion Mills fire proof

Drawing of aqueduct over the River Rea

Drawing of a musket pike

Design for the steam engine for metal mills, cross section of foundry

Plans of storehouses and wharfs at New Gun Wharf, Portsmouth

Design for the steam engine for metal mills, plan of beam engine

Drawing of lathe for turning pins

Copy plan of part of Plymouth Dockyard showing pump houses, drains and dock

Drawing of boilers of 56 Horse engine

Drawings of boiler for 56 Horse steam engine at the Metal Mills, Portsmouth

Plan of iron mill and copper mill showing hammers, boilers and furnaces in the four buildings

Arrangement for 56 Horse engine and boiler house, plan

Arrangement for 56 Horse engine and boiler house, elevation of foundations

Sketch of pickling furnace by Mr Beach

Drawing of large shears from metal mills, as first made

Plan of copper and iron mill buildings showing machinery but not including the furnaces

Copy drawing depicting elevation of machinery for rolling copper and pumping water

Notation of units, multiplication

Notation of the Analytical Engine

Notice entitled ‘Canal. The projected canal from the Tees to the coal district near Auckland, having now become a popular question, permit me to make some observations on this subject’

Document entitled ‘A subscription for defraying the expense of obtaining information respecting the expediency and advantage of a canal or rail way for the conveyance of merchandise to and from Stockton…’

Notice entitled ‘Stockton and Auckland Canal. The committee of the subscribers to this undertaking… received from Mr. Leather, the engineer, a variety of information relative to a survey, which he has just finished, which most satisfactorily obviates every important objection that has been urged against the plan…’

Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818. In consequence of a printed address from Mr. C. Tennant, relative to the proposed Canal between the Western parts of the county and this port, a numerous and most respectable meeting of gentlemen, belonging to this place and its neighbourhood, was held at the Town-Hall to-day.’

Notice entitled ‘Stockton and Auckland intended Canal.’

Printed article extracted from the Durham County Advertiser

Printed article extracted from the Durham Chronicle

Printed memo completed in manuscript and addressed to Leonard Raisbeck

Draft resignation letter

Letter from John Rennie, London to Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton-upon-Tees

Notice entitled ‘Stockland & Auckland Canal. The subscribers to this undertaking are particularly requested to attend a meeting… for the purpose of receiving the accounts…’

Letter from John Rennie to Leonard Raisbeck

Letter from John Rennie, London to Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton-upon-Tees

Letter from Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton to John Rennie

Letter from John Rennie, London to George Raisbeck, Stockton-upon-Tees

Letter from John Rennie, London to Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton-upon-Tees

Notice entitled ‘Canal. Aug. 8, 1818. The very respectable meeting convened at Stockton on the 31st of last month, to consider of the expediency of cutting a canal into the Coal District, appears to have been so unanimous respecting it… but, differing, as I do, in opinion with all who decide for a canal, I venture to submit to them, and to the Public generally, whether it would not be best to reject a canal altogether, and substitute a Rail Road on the most approved construction…’

Draft note from the committee

Notice entitled ‘Canal from Stockton by Darlington Westwards’

Letter from Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton, to John Rennie, Stamford Street, Blackfriars, London

Printed Clarence Railway report

Memorandum addressed to Leonard Raisbeck